Tinnitus Hypnotherapy
Tinnitus Hypnotherapy in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy. Tinnitus Hypnotherapy can help you to deal with your problem in a calmer and more contented way. Tinnitus is a hearing condition associated with the sounds of ringing, buzzing, whistling, humming, hissing or other noises in one or both ears. The internally generated sound can be continuous or intermittent, and may vary in volume.
Tinnitus Hypnotherapy in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy.
It is relatively common and can occur at any age. Research shows one in 100 people have persistent tinnitus symptoms. Research estimates one in five people will experience tinnitus at some point in their lives. While some experience volumes of low-level background noise, others will endure high-pitched, rumbling sensations that can drown out every day sounds.
I specialise in tinnitus hypnotherapy, if you’d like a free 30 minute consultation on please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30 minute Lytham Hypnotherapy consultation for tinnitus hypnotherapy.
Each person’s hypnotherapy treatment is unique. I will use a variety of techniques and methods to help sufferers live at relative peace with the noises. They will also retrain the brain to be less disturbed by them. By guiding a person’s subconscious mind to process the sounds like it does everyday background noise, hypnosis can make the sounds seem less threatening.
Tinnitus Hypnotherapy in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy works by gaining entry to the subconscious part of the mind that stores memory, imagination and particular habits. By working with this part of the mind, I can help to train the client’s reaction to tinnitus sensations. The aim is to help them learn not to notice the sounds so much and allow them to naturally tune out from them.
Tinnitus Hypnotherapy in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy.
Under hypnosis, a client’s subconscious mind can revisit a time immediately before the onset of their symptoms. Lytham Hypnotherapy will then bring them forward to a time when the client’s problems began. This allows them to pinpoint the exact moment when negative emotions associated with the condition arose.
Tinnitus Hypnotherapy in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy.
From here, I will diffuse these emotional charges by instilling a positive mental attitude. This paves the way for retraining the client’s mind to focus on other stimuli rather than the internal ringing and buzzing sensations. This helps to reduce the volume and impact of their symptoms.