Stop Smoking
One of the main reasons you’ve become so addicted to smoking and find it difficult to Stop Smoking is because nicotine encourages artificially high production of serotonin, dopamine, other neurotransmitters, and hormones, creating an imbalance in the “reward system” of your brain. Nicotine addiction changes the brain circuitry, making it hard to “STOP SMOKING” (basically making it hard to apply the brakes to Stop Smoking).
In a brain that is not addicted to smoking, control mechanisms constantly assess the value of stimuli and the relevance of the planned response. Inhibitory control is then applied as needed. In a brain that is addicted to smoking, this control circuit becomes impaired because of nicotine and loses much of its inhibitory power over the circuits that drive responses to stimuli deemed salient.
So it’s basically altered brain chemistry that is the root of the problem. Any stop smoking treatment that fails to normalise brain chemistry has little chance of success. So, the best way to stop smoking is to correct brain chemistry. Dopamine functions in your brain to help you deal with stress, anxiety, and relaxation, and should occur naturally, instead of being chemically induced, and this is one of the reasons you can’t Stop Smoking,
Dopamine can also raise levels of awareness and general pleasure, but the problem is that as dopamine levels increase from smoking cigarettes, and natural chemical reactions in the body like dopamine and serotonin decrease their natural production. When a smoker tries to quit cold turkey, they experience days, weeks, and sometimes months of depression and anxiety, mainly because their dopamine production levels cannot recover quickly enough. One of the reasons you can’t Stop Smoking, Lytham Hypnotherapy can help you to Stop Smoking!!!
Smoking cigarettes has such a damaging effect on your body and by smoking you’re increasing your chance of contracting various major health problems. The powers that be estimate that within the UK there’ll be about 100,000 people who’ll die from smoking related illnesses each year and half of those smokers will die from their smoking related illness.
The biggest health problems that are linked with smoking are Cancer, COPD and Heart disease. Smoking doesn’t just cause illness it can make you age ahead of your time.
It’s not nice smelling like an old ash tray, and it’s even worse having to kiss someone who smells like one!
Please call Annette Brown HPD MNCH at Lytham Hypnotherapy for Stop Smoking hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30-minute free consultation. Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy