Mobile Phone Addiction
If you have mobile phone addiction, your symptoms may include feelings of panic or desperation when separated from your smartphone, not being able to focus on conversations or work, and constantly checking phones for notifications.
Some people may think their phone is ringing when it’s not, this is a condition called mobile phone vibration syndrome, of which could be a sign of a more serious technology addiction.
Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy at Lytham Hypnotherapy in Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston, Blackpool or Wyre. Please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation.
Addiction is known as a problem behaviour, an obsessive and destructive habit to something. If not controlled, it can often impact negatively on our lives.
The most common types of addictions I see clients for, tends to be for alcohol, salt, sweet, smoking, food and gambling addictions, however, addictions can vary widely and people can often form addictions to other things like mobile phones and social networking.
If you become addicted to something it can impact on your daily life and can distract you from your responsibilities. It can often ‘take over’ your other emotions which can be difficult to control, as well as being negative and destructive.
Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy at Lytham Hypnotherapy in Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston, Blackpool or Wyre. Please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation.
Just like any other addiction, you may be in denial. Not many people admit they have a problem and most don’t make the connection to the anxiety they feel. In most cases the symptoms are manageable. However as with all addictions, for some people it will have a major negative impact on their lives.
Checking your phone and social media will chew up hours of their day and affect your relationships, your work performance and even the amount of sleep you have. If you think your smart phone addiction is beginning to disrupt your life, Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy can help you.
Here at Lytham Hypnotherapy I can work with you to bring your smart phone usage down to a level where you are back in control of your day, and not distressed to have your phone out of reach.
Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy at Lytham Hypnotherapy in Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston, Blackpool or Wyre. Please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation.
Addictions are nothing more than learned negative patterns of behaviour which lead to the problem behaviour or addiction. The key with using hypnotherapy is to form new neural pathways, so that you can unlearn this negative pattern of behaviour, and learn healthier patterns of behaviour. This will lead to an eventual termination of the addictive behaviour.
Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy at Lytham Hypnotherapy in Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston, Blackpool or Wyre. Please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free Mobile Phone Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation.