Sleep is something that we all need. It plays a vital role in both our physical and mental health. This is because when we sleep our bodies heal and repair, and our brains process information from the day before. The blood vessels around our bodies heal, literally regenerating overnight. Through the formation of new pathways, the brain allows us to remember information and enhance problem-solving skills. And all this happens when we’re asleep.
Sleeping problems like insomnia make it difficult for some people to get enough sleep. As well as making you feel tired, this lack of sleep can cause physical illness, increasing your risk of heart disease and even obesity. Mentally, not getting enough sleep can lead to anxiety and can make it hard for you to concentrate. Lytham Hypnotherapy can help you get over your sleeping problem.
If we have prolonged periods of sleeplessness, the damage can affect us instantly or over time. For example, if you’ve not been able to sleep and you have to drive, your inability to concentrate could cause an accident. Alternatively, over time the damage can build up leading to chronic health conditions, therefore Lytham Hypnotherapy can help you.
In the long-term sleeping problems can increase your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. This is likely to be because our blood vessels repair when we sleep, if we don’t give them the chance to heal, problems crop up.
Insomnia Symptoms
- Being awake for long periods at night.
- Not being able to fall asleep.
- Waking up several times during the night.
- Waking up very early and not being able to go back to sleep.
- Feeling tired and not refreshed the following morning.
- Finding it difficult to concentrate or function properly the next day.
- Feeling irritable.
- Different types of insomnia
Annette Brown of Lytham Hypnotherapy will help you take control and re-educate your mind into relaxing easily into sleep. You can learn new and natural ways to fall asleep using relaxation exercises and techniques which have worked for countless others. Lytham Hypnotherapy can also help you to learn how to just slow things down. Modern life is notoriously rushed. When you’re ready to fall asleep a racing mind doesn’t help, let Lytham Hypnotherapy help you!
I specialise in insomnia hypnotherapy, if you’d like a free 30-minute consultation on please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30-minute Lytham Hypnotherapy consultation for insomnia hypnotherapy