EFT in Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston and Blackpool at Lytham Hypnotherapy. Our greatest passion is helping people to shift any unwanted emotions, physical problems and limiting beliefs that they may hold, so that they can feel free to enjoy life. Our philosophy is to tailor each individual client’s therapy around the client’s needs, being that as individuals we’re all unique. Lytham Hypnotherapy ‘s Annette Brown HPD MNCH draws upon her experience of life coaching, clinical hypnosis, NLP and EFT. Annette uses EFT with almost all of her clients because it is simply an amazing technique that works every time! She’s so proud to say that she’s a practitioner of EFT.
Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30 minute EFT Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston and Blackpool consultation.
What is EFT?
Lytham Hypnotherapy EFT is an energy therapy that is basically emotional healing. EFT works on the understanding that our thoughts, experiences and circumstances can disrupt the energy system in our bodies and that this disruption can cause negative feelings and outcomes. EFT rebalances the energy system and then the feelings change, often dramatically. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 969695 to book your free 30 minute EFT consultation.
Lytham Hypnotherapy EFT’s basic premise is that the cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system and that therefore the appropriate point of intervention is on the body’s energy system. It has been described as a kind of psychological acupressure without needles. It involves focussing on the feeling we want to change whilst tapping on specific points on the meridians. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30 minute EFT consultation.
It is easy to learn and use to release negative feelings whether they are emotional or physical, and whether they refer to the past, the present or the future.
How the Brain Causes Pain
Your brain, and consequently your thoughts and emotions, play a key role in your experience of pain, e.g. meditation appears to work for pain relief because it reduces brain activity in the primary somatosensory cortex, an area that helps create the feeling of where and how intense a painful stimulus is. Laughter is also known to relieve pain because it releases endorphins that activate brain receptors that produce pain-killing and euphoria-producing effects.
Other research has shown that in people with chronic pain, a front region of the brain cortex mostly associated with emotion never shuts off. The brain region remains in active mode, which eventually wears out neurons and alters the way they connect to one another, potentially leading to permanent damage and pain-related symptoms like depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and problems with decision making.
In much the same way that a person can experience phantom limb pain after losing a limb, it’s thought that your central nervous system “remembers” any pain that lasts more than a few minutes at the neuronal level. The memories can become so vivid that the pain persists even after the injury has healed, or re-occurs when it shouldn’t, such as from a gentle touch. Addressing your emotions using mind-body therapies can work just amazingly well.
Rewiring the Brain for Pain Relief
I’ve mentioned meditation and laughter, but these are just two examples of a burgeoning new field looking at mind-body therapies to address chronic pain.
The Wall Street Journal reported: “…subjects can watch their own brains react to pain in real-time and learn to control their response…much like building up a muscle. When subjects focused on something distracting instead of the pain, they had more activity in the higher-thinking parts of their brains. When they “re-evaluated” their pain emotionally “Yes, my back hurts, but I won’t let that stop me” they had more activity in the deep brain structures that process emotion. Either way, they were able to ease their own pain significantly…
That doesn’t mean that the pain is imaginary, experts stress. In fact, brain scans show that chronic pain…represents a malfunction in the brain’s pain processing systems. The pain signals take detours into areas of the brain involved with emotion, attention and perception of danger and can cause grey matter to atrophy…The dysfunction “feeds on itself,”. “You get into a vicious circle of more pain, more anxiety, more fear, and more depression. We need to interrupt that cycle.”
This is where techniques such as distraction can be so effective for pain relief, as can other options like EFT Creative Visualisation, Hypnotherapy and Tai Chi. My personal favourites are EFT and Hypnotherapy, and they are regularly used in my practice on a daily basis.
EFT and Hypnotherapy can help the Painkiller Trap
One of the best parts about EFT and other mind-body tools to relieve pain is that they can free you of toxic prescription painkillers. Aside from significantly increasing your heart risks (such as a two to fourfold increase in the risk of heart attacks, stroke or cardiovascular death), NSAIDs, which are taken by millions of people, and are linked to serious gastrointestinal risks, like bleeding of the digestive tract, increased blood pressure and kidney problems. Under no circumstances must you stop taking your prescriptive medicines by your GP, I am merely pointing out the effects of these medications.
As for the opioid painkillers, they are among the most commonly abused prescription drugs and are a leading contributor to the rising rates of fatal prescription drug overdoses. Many become addicted after using them to treat conditions like back or neck pain, and research has, in fact, shown that using these drugs for even a short period leads to structural and functional changes in reward- and affect-processing circuitry in your brain.
Researchers noted that “morphologic changes occur rapidly in humans during new exposure to prescription opioid analgesics,” which may explain why so many people struggle with their addiction. If you have chronic pain of any kind, however, please understand that there are many safe and effective alternatives to prescription and over-the-counter painkillers. You’ll want to start taking a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fat like krill oil, as omega-3 fats are precursors to mediators of inflammation called prostaglandins.
Addressing your diet by eliminating or radically reducing most grains and sugars (including fructose) is also important, as avoiding grains and sugars will lower your insulin and leptin levels. Elevated insulin and leptin levels are one of the most profound stimulators of inflammatory prostaglandin production. That is why eliminating sugar and grains is so important to controlling your pain.
I also recommend optimizing your production of vitamin D by getting regular, appropriate sun exposure, which will work through a variety of different mechanisms to reduce your pain. While you are outdoors, staying active is important to avoid muscle atrophy and to stimulate the production of natural pain-killing hormones and neurotransmitters. But along with these strategies, be sure you are also tending to the emotion-brain element. Your stress, your anxiety and your perceptions of pain all play a major role in how you experience pain, and addressing these elements may be the solution in your search for lasting pain relief.
Lytham Hypnotherapy EFT works wonders for the following:
- Relationship issues
- Workplace bullying
- Stress
- Recurring nightmares
- Sexual abuse
- Abusive relationships
- Abusive childhoods
- School bullying
- Anger
- Grief
- Suicidal thoughts
- Survivor guilt
- Panic attacks
- Shyness
- Stage fright
- Public speaking
- Exam stress
- Job Interview anxiety
- Driving-test nerves
- Low self-esteem
- Fears
- Phobias
- Combat Stress
Lytham Hypnotherapy EFT is particularly effective with negative memories. Typically, the memory remains but all the negative emotional charge that was stored with it evaporates. Once this has been done, it becomes difficult to access the old emotions again, even when someone tries really hard. The effect is usually permanent. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30 minute EFT consultation.
Lytham Hypnotherapy EFT can and sometimes does produce instant successes or one-hit wonders. Mostly it does not. Long-standing and major physical or emotional problems usually require depth, skill and persistence in the work needed to resolve them. Even so, EFT is always, in my experience, much faster than any other therapy would be in the same circumstances. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 969695 to book your free 30 EFT minute consultation.
Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30 minute EFT Lancashire, Fylde Coast, Preston and Blackpool consultation.
The Power of Lytham Hypnotherapy EFT
Firstly, it definitely works.
It works on trauma with the minimum risk of traumatisation.
EFT Tapping is for everyone.
It will empower you, just like it’s empowered other clients. By learning to use EFT for yourself you have a self-help tool for current symptoms and to deal with whatever comes up for you for the rest of your life.
It is never possible to say how many sessions anyone will need. Sometimes what sounds very straightforward turns out to be much more complicated! And something that sounds as if it will be difficult can surprise me by collapsing quickly. So I feel I can never give an honest answer to the question: “How many sessions will I need?” However, I do not ask anyone to commit to any number of sessions in advance. At the end of each session clients decide if they want to book another.
EFT sessions last for about an hour and are £75.00 per session
Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833 to book your free 30 minute EFT consultation.