Confidence Hypnotherapy Lancashire, Preston, Manchester, Blackpool, Fylde Coast, and the North West at Lytham Hypnotherapy.
Confidence is wonderful! It’s a positive feeling arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities, which means that you’re able to beat all the challenges in your life! Confidence Hypnotherapy encourages your sub-conscious, to new ways of being, along with new behaviours, in a natural way that integrates into your normal way of life. We need confidence in ALL areas of our life, from getting up in the morning until we go to bed at night each and every day. Confidence Hypnotherapy releases the confidence you were born with.
We face many different challenges from relationships, work, health, education, finance and planning the future. If we don’t have an abundance of confidence we can find that small things throw us off track, slow us down and cause anxiety. Confidence is something that you are born with, anxiety is something that you learn. Using Confidence Hypnotherapy can help you to release old beliefs and to change your current behaviour.
I use Confidence Hypnotherapy for clients with low self-confidence, low self-worth, and low self-esteem. Social Anxiety, Lack of confidence, Public Speaking, Presentations, Driving test nerves, Low Self-Esteem, Pre-test nerves, Exam pressures, Stage fright, Shyness, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Driving and many more.
Lack of confidence can be rooted in negative experiences as a child or teenager, or significant difficult events in our adult life. If these negative experiences are not dealt with they can set a precedent for future achievement. It can be beneficial to pinpoint the initial sensitising event of the confidence problem and use Hypnotherapy to change negative thought processes.
Confidence can also be affected by simple day to day living a mistake or two here and there and if this all builds up your confidence can take a plummet. Utilising the full potential of the sub-conscious mind, I use Hypnotherapy to improve self-image and create true Self-Worth. Hypnotherapy helps challenge negative thought processes and limiting beliefs and can eliminate self-doubt allowing you to generate a more positive future, improving self-image and increasing determination.
Confidence Hypnotherapy Lancashire, Preston, Manchester, Blackpool, Fylde Coast, Wyre, and the North West at Lytham Hypnotherapy. Please call Annette Brown HPD GQHP to book your free consultation on 01253 279284 or 07730 333833.