What is Addiction Hypnotherapy ?
Addiction Hypnotherapy can help you to find your true self again, so that you can naturally enjoy your life. I know you can be set free from whatever your addiction is, and you can have a happy, healthy addiction free life and the freedom to do whatever you want to do!
Annette Brown School of Hypnotherapy, for those looking to forge a new career.
Addiction Hypnotherapy, in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy. For your free 30 minute Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation, please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833.
If you struggle with an addiction or addictions you’ll know how they affect your life, and the lives of those around you. Lytham Hypnotherapy knows that most addictions are down to learned behaviour, and by this I mean having learned to do or to use something to change our feelings.
Excess-Excess-Excess everywhere you turn. Alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, shopping and food are just a few to mention that change the way we feel. You may not feel worthy or deserving and therefore you may punish yourself by being excessive regarding your addiction.
Addiction Hypnotherapy, in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy. For your free 30 minute Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation, please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833.
Feelings of boredom or feelings of not being good enough, or not feeling successful in life can lead you to feed your addictions. Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP can reprogram your subconscious mind, that part of the mind that holds all of your limiting beliefs help you to change your relationship with your addictions and habits by, treating the root cause of your addiction and transforming your emotional strength.
Annette Brown School of Hypnotherapy, for those looking to forge a new career.
Addiction Hypnotherapy, in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy. For your free 30 minute Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation, please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833.
During your Clinical Hypnotherapy session with Lytham Hypnotherapy we’ll look at how you’re really feeling and look at the effects of your feelings on your life. Once I’ve discovered the root cause of your addiction or addictions I’ll be able to help you to release and break free of these undesirable habits. It is in the releasing of the undesirable habits that you discover how to respect and value yourself once more, as well as becoming so much stronger in the process and feeling much more in control of your life.
Annette Brown School of Hypnotherapy, for those looking to forge a new career.
I will also use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EFT techniques in your hypnotherapy program to help you in dealing with the underlying cause of your addiction, and to change how your mind links your outdated and undesirable addiction, and help you to feel more positive with greater self-confidence and self-worth. If you lack self-confidence in life this can greatly affect your perceptions of yourself, and how you value your self-worth and competency.
Things you should know about food, alcohol, sugar, fat, salt and smoking addictions
Within our brain there is a system called the reward system.
This system was designed to “reward” us when we do things that encourage our survival. This includes eating.
The brain knows that when we do something, we’re doing something “right,” and then releases feel-good chemicals in the reward system, such as the neurotransmitter dopamine interpreted by our brains as pleasure.
Sugar, Fat and Salt are the three things that take advantage of the reward system of the brain which, when triggered, stimulates us to keep eating – and eating – and eating – and eating.
The brain is clever and it is hardwired to pursue behaviours that release dopamine in the reward system.
When we do something repeatedly it releases dopamine in the reward system (like eating sweets, drinking alcohol or smoking a cigarette), the dopamine receptors can start to down-regulate.
If the brain perceives that dopamine is too high, it starts removing the dopamine receptors in order to keep things “balanced.”
Annette Brown School of Hypnotherapy, for those looking to forge a new career.
When you have fewer receptors, you need more dopamine to reach the same effect, which causes people to start eating more junk food to reach the same level of reward as before. This is called tolerance. If you have fewer dopamine receptors, then you will have very little dopamine activity and you will start to feel unhappy if you don’t get your junk food “fix.” This is called withdrawal. Tolerance and withdrawal are the hallmarks of physical addiction. This is why hypnotherapy works so well.
When addicted to a substance that provides dopamine, the body stops making it to reduce the risk of overproduction.
The addict is now dopamine deficient, and if the substance is stopped abruptly, the person will experience profound depression with extreme stress and cravings.
This phenomenon is why people have so much difficulty quitting certain junk foods or an addiction; the person is in emotional agony from lack of brain chemicals that are no longer produced in sufficient quantities to counteract depression.
Typically, it may take several weeks to months until the brain restores the dopamine receptor sites and produces a “feel good” effect in an addicted person, however Addiction Hypnotherapy can speed up the process.
Addiction Hypnotherapy, in Lytham, Fylde Coast and Lancashire at Lytham Hypnotherapy. For your free 30 minute Addiction Hypnotherapy consultation, please call 01253 279284 or 07730 333833.
Annette Brown School of Hypnotherapy, for those looking to forge a new career.