by Annette Brown | Jan 5, 2016 | Lytham Hypnotherapy
Of recent, I’ve help many clients through my practice Lytham Hypnotherapy who are either going through cancer, coming out of cancer or cancer clients who are simply looking for relaxation and calmness. To help clients achieve relaxation and calmness I use various...
by Annette Brown | Jul 23, 2015 | Lytham Hypnotherapy
I heard back from a client yesterday who came for his Fear of Heights, and oh my word he was bad! He couldn’t stand at the top of the stairs without going dizzy, feeling sick and then falling victim to massive headaches through his fear of heights. The worst thing was...
by Annette Brown | Jul 13, 2015 | Lytham Hypnotherapy, Therapies
Within our brain there is a system called the reward system. This system was designed to “reward” us when we do things that encourage our survival. This includes eating. Sugar, Fat and Salt are the three things that take advantage of the reward system of the brain...
by Annette Brown | May 28, 2015 | Lytham Hypnotherapy
Lytham Hypnotherapy for Pain Management If you’re suffering from Pain or chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or osteo-arthritis, Pain Management/Control with Lytham Hypnotherapy has solutions to help you to manage your Pain. During various...