Terms & Conditions
Arranging an Appointment
At the time of booking an appointment, you will be asked to leave a contact address and phone number. It is the client’s responsibility to inform the Lytham Hypnotherapy of any change of contact details during their treatment.
Cancellation Policy & Consequent Fees
When booking an appointment the client accepts that any cancellations and rescheduling of appointments require 24 hours’ notice. It is further understood that if you fail to attend or cancel/reschedule an appointment with less than 24-hour’s notice, you will be charged the full session fee. For those who cancel an appointment within the four week free aftercare service (part of the stop smoking hypnotherapy treatment) without giving the minimum 24 hours’ notice, your aftercare will become invalid and any further sessions will need to be paid for. Appointments booked less than 24 hours in advance cannot be cancelled; to do so will incur the full charge.
Block booking of sessions paid up front
All sessions must be taken within the year from when the payment is made.
Should you end your therapy sessions suddenly, sessions are non-refundable.
One the commitment to block book sessions is made, should sessions need to be delayed or re-scheduled, I will endeavour to accommodate to the best of my ability.
Distance Selling Regulations
You the consumer offer to buy the service we are providing when you make an appointment. The contract between us becomes binding when you receive confirmation of the booking. Under the Distance Selling Regulations, you have a right to cancel the service when booked over the phone or via email up to seven working days from when the appointment is confirmed. Cancellation must be in writing. However, for appointments booked less than seven working days in advance, unless we agree otherwise in writing, you will not be able to cancel the appointment and our normal cancellation policy applies (see above). All appointments made over the phone or via email will be confirmed via email. The performance of service begins 24 hours before the confirmed appointment time, as time and resources will have been reserved for you.
Payments can be made by cheque (with a bankers card holding a guarantee for the full session fee) credit or debit card payments will be accepted. The appointment fee must be paid in full by the end of each session.
Internet Privacy Policy
This website was established to provide information about our hypnotherapy treatment and practice. You will not be added to any mailing list, email list or other electronic mailer.