I’ve had some mind blowing hypnosis results of late. One that stands out for me was a lady who’d not slept a whole night in more than 35 years! The poor lady was a physical, mental and emotional wreck, it was really sad. So, I went through the process of cutting down the trees (emotional barriers), as I had to get to the root, which wasn’t easy! After much cutting and chopping I eventually discovered the root cause of the tremors. When the client was 10, her father who was an alcoholic got really drunk and after arguing with her mother, her father drove off on his motorbike doing wheel spins and revving the bike so much that she totally panicked and thought he was going to die in a crash! That night he didn’t come home, in fact he never-ever came back, and she thought because she’d been naughty and she was responsible.
Her discovery came as a shock as she’d no recollection of her father taking off as it was all held at a unconscious level! Every emotion has a physical response in the body and brain. The unconscious mind is reflected in every cell of the body, and the cells are continuously programmed from the moment of conception. This programming is, in fact, multi-layered and contains the record of all experiences a person has ever had. This information is the foundational beginning of the database for the body/mind connection. In a way, you could compare the unconscious mind to a computer that takes in data and stores it.
The unconscious mind has the ability to receive record and store information and to bring about logical results based upon this information. For instance, when traumas take place, a person often makes internal conclusions and beliefs about themselves as a result of these experiences. These emotions, shock, fears and other data accumulate over the years, and at some point it can make perfect sense to the unconscious mind to create an illness or disease of some sort in the body. (The unconscious has a holographic memory with everything we have experienced.) We can’t find happiness or peace until we get rid of what we are covering up.
The unconscious mind is the controller of our emotions, desires, memory, habits, thoughts, dreams, and automatic responses. You may consciously understand the value of eliminating problematic emotions, thoughts, or behaviours but unless the unconscious mind is reached, enduring change is unlikely. By engaging the unconscious mind and eliminating the ongoing influence from troubling past events, blocked energy is released, healing takes place, and change is automatic. Negative habits and painful emotions are replaced by positive actions and feelings of well-being. Blocked energy is released. Healing takes place gently and painlessly. The client realises fully and through every facet of their mind and body that these negative experiences are finished and gone. Desired change is automatic and lasting.
I have gathered so many stories of my client’s healings from undergoing hypnosis and going back to the origin of their pains and traumas. Their stories were dramatic and their symptoms are now relieved, thankfully. For the therapist it’s intense! I love hypnosis, because we can get to the root of problems and it is such a great method to clear them out. One session of hypnosis is equivalent to 10 talk therapy sessions according to research. So if you can’t move on in life, it’s more than likely that your past is creating your future.