Most people living with anxiety don’t just have anxiety, they also live with the worry, fear, and stress of living with anxiety, and stress always affects the weakest part of us. If someone has asthma, stress will make it much worse, if someone has psoriasis, then their psoriasis will be badly affected, if someone struggles with IBS, their IBS will be debilitating. All anxieties happen as it’s the mind’s way of protecting us and keeping us safe, but all it is doing is making people sad and unhappy and it’s for that reason that we must learn to reset our anxiety button.
All our anxieties, fears, worries, and stressors are created within a part of our brain called the amygdala, well there are two of them, so they are called the amygdalae, and the amygdalae stand guard at the gate on the lookout for potential threats, and for many people it is constant, like warning bells are constantly ringing and these poor people have no way of stopping those warning bells from constantly ringing.
Everyone suffers from anxiety from time to time, and sometimes a little bit of anxiety is good for us, as in driving tests, exams, or interviews. At the end of the day anxiety is not only exhausting, but it can also be debilitating and stop people from enjoying life. I personally feel that these days people are given labels, and these labels really don’t help people at all, as the labels become part of their identity. When people feel like this it is hard to find a way to reset their anxiety button.
One coping tool I can give you now is to learn how to breathe when you are feeling anxious, and my clients have found this to be invaluable. So, get yourself into a comfortable space (if you feel anxious and can’t take a deep breathe, simply stand up and lean over a table or a chair, as this helps with breathing). Now breathe in for four, hold for four, and out for four, and repeat this for six times. This will calm your vagus nerve and your mind will begin to quieten and eventually you will feel calmer.
There is so much help there for those struggling with anxiety, stress and panic attacks, and hypnotherapy combined with EMDR or EFT is like pure magic, as the clients mind is being guided to ways of feeling safe, calm, and peaceful, and the clients are given coping techniques for in between sessions, and the client is also given an MP3 of each session to listen to at bedtime, so if you feel ready to reset your anxiety button, please get in touch for your consultation.