When I began my Holistic Healing journey in 2000, one of the first things we were taught was that we are responsible for all our experiences via our thinking and our responses. We can all turn our lives around by changing our thinking. So, if we can change our thoughts, as our thoughts can be conquered, and we can be set free. I was trained Holistically as well as Metaphysically. By this I mean that whatever our illness is, there is always a metaphysical aspect to the cause of our illness, a spiritual meaning of our illness.
When we become ill, it is generally down to our resistance to change, or we don’t have acceptance for certain happenings in our lives. Personally (being an EFT practitioner) I believe that when we are ill, there is a blockage in our body’s energy system, and this blockage is something subconsciously that we refuse to accept and therefore we remain stuck with the illness. Until we find the cause and work with the cause, the illness will continue, but once the cause is revealed, and we work towards making peace with the cause a solution will be found.
If you think about someone who is addicted to alcohol. We must consider their kidneys of which is the organ of communication, people feel that they can communicate more effectively when they drink. On a metaphysical level, drinking alcohol is a fear of the self, it’s about fear generally, it’s about a lack of self-love, or should I say a lack of knowing how to love themselves.
Insomnia sufferers feel fear. Sleep helps the body to heal through regeneration and recuperation. When we sleep we surrender to our ego and therefore we have no control. Many people with insomnia feel worried, stressed, and are filled with great fears. So metaphysically, insomnia is about fear and not trusting in the process of life. We can’t control our sleep, and therefore we can’t force it or make it happen, simply because sleep has a rhythm of its own that is activated by us releasing and letting go. So, we must learn to trust, release, and let go of whatever we think will happen whilst we are sleeping, and trust that everything is okay in our world.
Those who suffer from headaches have little or no self-acceptance. This is a reflection of their inner world. Headaches happen through inner conflict, negative thoughts, and negative patterns, and they unconsciously impact how we think, how we feel, and how we behave. So, metaphysically headaches are about a lack self-acceptance and a lack of acceptance of life in general, but headaches are also about a lack of self-love and thereby self-criticism, and fear.
Always seek professional help for any illnesses that are manifested, it’s very helpful to understand the metaphysical/spiritual meaning behind the illness. Only then can we understand what our mind, body and soul is trying to communicate to us. Please feel free to pick up the phone and call me for a free chat, or email me and I’ll help how I can.