Hypnosis for when life throws you lemons! Well, when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade! Life can have many twists and turns and throw many challenges our way, but we must be ready to turn those challenges into something positive!
Before I discovered my love and passion for hypnosis, my life at that point (15 years ago) was throwing me lemons and sadly I had no idea how to turn those lemons into lemonade. Fifteen years later, life still throws me lemons, however I have become a master of turning bitter into sweet, purely through hypnosis!
I love my job as a hypnotherapist Lytham Hypnotherapy, I help my clients through hypnosis by discovering the source of the client’s issues and creating effective strategies for a positive outcome for them, turning bitter into sweet.
The sweetness comes from the client realising they have (and always have had) a reservoir of resources fully available to them that they were not aware they had. We all have the capacity to think, feel and act in ways that enhances our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face.
To live a life of happiness it’s about taking it one step further and working towards fulfilling our true potential. It’s so easy to get stuck in our comfort zone, feeling comfortable and yet no happy, feeling as though we are going through the motions.
Hypnosis give us that extra shot of the feel-good factor, releasing a good dose of serotonin, giving us a feeling of determination and motivation. It is for this reason that hypnosis is a vital key for health and well-being that I created the Annette Brown School of Hypnotherapy.
The school was created to give the students the best knowledge available to become the best hypnotherapist they can be. For those students to be able to go out there and strut their stuff, and bring positive outcomes for their clients.
There are so many people out their suffering from mental health issues, in fact a recent report by the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) presented that our nation is on the edge of a mental health disaster, simply because we live in an anxious world. So, those fully qualified hypnotherapists (members of the GHR, and CNHC) will go out into the world ready to make a positive difference to their clients.