Can dieting Make you Fatter?
I’ve been surfing the internet for inspiration to write a new blog post, and I came across the following article about how this lady was made to diet by her mum, and others. She discovered hypnotherapy to change her mind and her life! So, can dieting make you fatter?
Are you struggling with a weight issue, and do you continue putting off dealing with it, and unsure if dieting can make you fatter?
Are your thoughts negative, and do they go over and over in your head when you think about your weight issue?
Do you feel as though you can’t see a way out?
Lytham Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Can Help.
I have five very easy to understand rules which I ask my clients to adhere to after their hypnotherapy session, and they are as follows:
1. Eat when you’re hungry, and don’t starve yourself.
2. Listen to your body, it knows best and eat what you’re craving for, and never deprive yourself.
3. Always chew every mouthful, and always eat slowly, oh yes and enjoy every mouthful.
4. Only eat what you need to fill up, and stop when you feel full.
5. Eat everything in moderation!