Of recent, I’ve help many clients through my practice Lytham Hypnotherapy who are either going through cancer, coming out of cancer or cancer clients who are simply looking for relaxation and calmness. To help clients achieve relaxation and calmness I use various techniques including something called ‘Unfinished Business’. ‘Unfinished Business’ is classed as feelings about the past that are unexpressed, as in, bitterness, anger, hatred, pain, anxiety, grief, guilt and very often abandonment, and these feelings are connected with individual memories. You see, many feelings we encounter that are not fully experienced remain in the background and affect how we feel in life, and stop us from achieving relaxation and calmness!
Relaxation and Calmness Hypnotherapy in Lytham. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 969695 to book your free 30 minute Relaxation and Calmness consultation.
The key here is to understand that the suppressed feelings you have buried deep within you, can manifest into illness very quickly, and is the source of most of our diseases. I use various forgiveness techniques that are empowering to those suffering. Forgiveness is the key to how we progress in life, and it’s the key to relaxation and calmness! There will be no progression in your life without forgiveness in life! These deep-seated feelings of resentment, anger and animosity result in a sense of unhappiness for only you, as no one else feels what you’re feeling, only you can feel.
Relaxation and Calmness Hypnotherapy in Lytham. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 969695 to book your free 30 minute Relaxation and Calmness consultation.
To encounter relaxation and calmness you have to be ready and willing to release and forgive. Only then will your life force energy begin to free flow easily through relaxation and calmness, leaving you feeling happy, and empowered once more. Embarking on the journey of forgiveness is your very own personal journey; there is no one else involved in the forgiveness process, only you. Forgiveness is acceptance. It is the acceptance of knowing the past is history and can never be revisited, but it’s facing up to what was, and what is NOW. Forgiveness is also acceptance that things can never go back to how things were. Forgiveness will heal deep emotional wounds, whether old or new.
Relaxation and Calmness Hypnotherapy in Lytham. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 969695 to book your free 30 minute Relaxation and Calmness consultation.
Whether it’s a cancer client or a coaching client I encourage them to embrace every day, one step at a time, and to make NOW the primary focus in life, AND I’D ALSO ADVISE YOU TO DO THE SAME. We can’t change the past, however we can change our perception of it! Life is about making peace with your past! That’s why hypnotherapy is like MAGIC, it helps to settle the unfinished business and draws a line under it, allowing you to enjoy relaxation and calmness! It also helps clients to see themselves as being healed and feeling well. So, if you’re looking to feel safe, calm and peaceful call Lytham Hypnotherapy for your free 30 minute consultation!
Relaxation and Calmness Hypnotherapy in Lytham. Please call Annette Brown at Lytham Hypnotherapy on 01253 969695 to book your free 30 minute Relaxation and Calmness consultation.
“All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry and all forms of fear are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.” Eckhart Tolle